Healing Hand, Avenging Heart

Dr. Olivia Serrano worked late into the night at the local Urgent Care in the heart of the city’s rough east side. An accomplished medical professional, she was known for her boundless dedication to her patients, a dedication that sometimes came at the cost of her own peace of mind. She had a son, Alex, a bright high schooler with his sights set on becoming a neurosurgeon. They were each other’s world.

One night, after Olivia had finished a grueling sixteen-hour shift, she received a call from the local police. Alex had been jumped by a notorious gang, the Blood Reapers, while coming back from his basketball practice. Beaten within an inch of his life and left for dead, he was now on a hospital bed, his life hanging by a thread. Olivia’s world collapsed around her.

Weeks passed. Alex lay in a coma, and Olivia grappled with the harsh reality of her son’s condition. Her demeanor changed; she transformed from a warm, approachable doctor to a cold, hardened woman. The bright spark that once gleamed in her eyes was replaced by an icy determination.

One day, a familiar face was wheeled into the Urgent Care. It was Rico, the notorious second-in-command of the Blood Reapers, known for his ruthlessness and utter disregard for human life. He’d been involved in a gang shootout and was riddled with bullets. As fate would have it, Olivia was on duty that night.

Seizing the chance, Olivia sent the rest of the medical staff away, telling them she’d take care of Rico. She planned to extract the information about who was responsible for her son’s brutal attack. Olivia wasn’t just a healer anymore; she was now a grieving mother on a vengeful path.

Olivia started treating Rico. Beneath the guise of treatment, she began to inflict agonizing pain on him. Every groan and scream was music to her ears. Her heart pounded with a savage satisfaction, as she tortured him, using her knowledge of the human body to her advantage. Finally, Rico broke down and confessed it was his boss, Hector, who had ordered the hit on Alex.

Olivia smiled grimly at Rico’s confession, injecting him with a lethal dose of potassium chloride. She made it seem like a standard procedure to an outsider, but the twitching of Rico’s body was clear evidence of his body reacting to the fatal dose. His breath hitched, his eyes widened, and then he was still.

Her crime did not go unnoticed. The coroner found a high amount of potassium chloride in Rico’s system and raised an alarm. The police were called, but Olivia was smart. She had made sure that everything else pointed to a natural cardiac arrest due to the multiple gunshot wounds. Plus, her reputation as a trusted, dedicated doctor helped. The jury, struggling to believe that the kindly Dr. Serrano could be capable of such a crime, found her not guilty.

Olivia’s act of vengeance brought the gang down on her with a fury she had not anticipated. One night, the Blood Reapers, led by the ruthless Hector, broke into her house, determined to take revenge for Rico’s death. But Olivia was ready.

She had turned her home into a fortress, installed security systems, and had even taken a few shooting lessons. Olivia was not the same woman she was months ago. She was now a hardened avenger, ready to protect her comatose son, ready to draw blood for blood.

The final confrontation was intense. Hector and Olivia stood in the dim light of the living room, each facing death. Hector, clad in a leather jacket, his face marked with a

lifetime of cruelty, aimed his gun at Olivia. But Olivia, her face stoic and eyes determined, was quicker. She lunged forward, grappling with Hector, struggling for control of the weapon.

The scuffle was fierce, but Olivia had the upper hand, her spirit fueled by vengeance. She managed to turn the gun on Hector, the cold metal barrel pressing against his chest. She looked into Hector’s eyes, showing him the pain of a mother who had her world torn apart. Then, she pulled the trigger. The gunshot echoed in the silence of the night, and Hector fell, lifeless.

In the end, the quiet, dedicated doctor had transformed into an avenger. Her path to justice was dark and bloody, but she made sure those responsible paid for their cruelty. She protected her son, she fought for justice, and though she had to forsake her Hippocratic Oath, she found peace in knowing that her son’s attackers wouldn’t harm anyone again. But Olivia would always remember the cost, the terrible toll it took on her soul, the transformation from a healer into a destroyer.

Author: Jax Holloway