A Bully Vanquished

In the small town of Crestwood, rumors about the old lady, Dorothy Williams, circulated among the teenagers. It was said that she would shoot anyone who dared set foot on her property. Dorothy had worked as a cleaning lady for years, and the kids would often jump the fence behind the church and run down the hill to avoid her wrath. However, curiosity got the better of them when they heard that Dorothy had passed away with no relatives. A week had gone by before her body was discovered, and the news piqued the teenagers’ interest.

Tee Strauss, Adin Day, Becca Embry, and Dana Peek, now in their teenage years, were intrigued by the mysteries hidden within Dorothy’s house. They decided to explore her home, fueled by a mix of fear and curiosity. As they ventured inside, they discovered a secret room tucked away in the corner. The room was filled with an array of peculiar objects and artifacts, revealing Dorothy’s interest in witchcraft.

Shrines dedicated to 19 town members caught the teenagers’ attention. Each shrine represented a person who had met an untimely demise after Dorothy’s retirement. It sent shivers down their spines, and they couldn’t help but suspect that Dorothy had used spells to bring about their deaths. The evidence was right there, in the form of a spell book they found hidden away among her belongings.

Eager to test their theories, the teens decided to use the spell book on Tee’s abusive stepfather. They carefully followed the instructions, and soon enough, Tee’s stepfather met with a fatal accident at his workplace. It was an eerie coincidence, but the teenagers were convinced that the spell had worked.

With their newfound power, the teens turned their attention to the town bully, Jerry Everly. Jerry was not only a notorious meth cook and dealer but also the grandson of Sheriff Matt Everly. This connection shielded him from facing the consequences of his actions, and he reveled in his ability to intimidate and threaten the townspeople.

Determined to rid their town of Jerry’s tyranny, the teenagers formulated a plan. They had to gather the necessary ingredients for a spell from the secret room in Dorothy’s house. Sneaking into Jerry’s residence under the cover of darkness, they searched for the required components, all the while evading the watchful eyes of the sheriff.

The task was fraught with danger, as Jerry’s house was a stronghold for his criminal activities. The teenagers, fueled by their desire to protect the town, pressed on. They meticulously collected the ingredients, wary of making any noise that might alert Jerry or his associates.

As they made their way back to the secret room, they felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. They were about to embark on a dangerous path, harnessing a power they barely understood. The spell they had prepared would be their ultimate weapon against Jerry, the oppressor who had eluded justice for far too long.

With the ingredients in hand, they returned to Dorothy’s secret room, lit candles, and chanted the incantation from the spell book. A surge of energy filled the room, and they hoped that their actions would bring an end to Jerry’s reign of terror.

Little did they know that their magic had consequences beyond their control. The spell’s power was unleashed, and Jerry’s fate was sealed. News quickly spread throughout the town of his demise, but the cause of his death remained a mystery to all but the four teenagers who had orchestrated it.

In the aftermath, Crestwood began to heal. The absence of Jerry’s influence allowed the community to thrive and regain a sense of safety. The town members, once fearful and oppressed, were finally able to live without the constant threat of violence.

However, the teenagers couldn’t shake the weight of their actions

. Despite their intentions to rid Crestwood of evil, they grappled with the moral implications of their use of magic. They were left wondering if they had truly done the right thing or if they had become something they despised in the process.

As time passed, the teens made a pact to keep the secret of their involvement hidden from the rest of the world. They vowed to use their newfound knowledge and power responsibly, learning from the lessons of their past actions. With a newfound understanding of the consequences of magic, they set out to use their abilities for good, ensuring that the balance between power and responsibility remained intact.

Crestwood thrived in the absence of evil, its scars gradually healing. And as for the teens, they learned that true strength lies not in wielding power but in using it wisely, for the betterment of all. The legacy of Dorothy’s spells became a reminder of the choices they made, serving as a cautionary tale to be shared with future generations.

Author: Jax Holloway